Environmentally friendly compost toilet, 20 metres.
Off grid i.e. no electricity
or running water
No dogs. No collecting fire wood.
No visitors
Please bring all your own Mattresses, bedding, gas and stove, firewood, water.
knives, forks, plates, mugs, glasses, dishes, pans, chopping board, bbq spatulas, etc.
Drone photo 2017
Set in the woodland on the site of the old badger hide,
so ideally placed to watch for them!
Built mostly of larch from Scottish Wood, Oakley
and found windows
Please bring your own mattresses, pillows and bedding.
Pull out dining table
Prices:- Ask for personalised quote but basically £20 a person
2 day hire preferred.
First night minimum occupancy £60.
possible reductions for 2nd night, especially regulars.
Ideal for 2 +2 children
Decorated with 100 maps from gumtree
Wood stove.
Off grid, bring camping lanterns.
East balcony
Outside BBQ
Camp fire area
To book, ask for my bank details, when ready to transfer funds.
It is not booked until it is paid for.
Thank you for having us in the Tree Lodge. We
felt so relaxed and at home. You really have a special place there. I am
becoming addicted to real wood fires and compost toilets and greenery and
birdsong....I could go on! We did not even use the lanterns, candles more than
enough. Lovely place.
Hopefully you will let us return
Jane and Kurt